Sep 18Liked by David Wilson (E. regnans)

Cave is a cynical egotist. He thinks it is okay to massacre infants.

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Goodness me- I'm sorry to provoke this response, S Maloney. I expect anyone who fronts a rock band/post-punk band for 30 years would have an ego of great heft. As for cynicism and the massacre of infants, I don't know enough to comment.

To me, the position he often takes in his Red Hand Files is that none-of-us-knows-what-the-hell-is-going-on. And to pretend otherwise is unhelpful. The old "I know that I know nothing" saying derived from Plato's account of Socrates. That position suits me as I am very often confused by people and by situations. Individual behaviour and collective behaviour of humans baffles me. From wars to climate change, from petty theft to private relationship dysfunction, nothing makes sense. For decades I put that down to my severe brain damage. These days I find comfort in the thought that there's something bigger afoot. N Cave alludes to that sometimes. I don't know what it is. But I've felt it.

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Sep 18Liked by David Wilson (E. regnans)

Correct. An apologist for Gaza. Adore your work, David, but anything but a fan of his.

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Oh boy. Thanks Old Dog.

I'm sorry I didn't appreciate that.

This morning I feel a whole mixture of things.

Shame, foolishness, wonder, confusion.

I wonder if it is still possible to relate to his writing on grief and loss?

I wonder if this situation is like separating art from the artist. And whether that is possible.

There was a Red Hand File about exactly that during the pandemic.


Off to watch the clouds for a while.

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Sep 19Liked by David Wilson (E. regnans)

Your post brought me joy! I hope your answer is picked David

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